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Social Media Etiqutte

  Utilizing Social Media Wisley What is social media etiquette? I believe when being on social media especially being an influencer you really have to think smartly and be responsible. For many, this is a full-time job and something they do on a regular basis to pay the bills. Saying the wrong thing or doing something inappropriately can be very damaging for their career. Being polite, being responsible, caring, and kind are all ways of having good social media etiquette. Not only that but being genuine and yourself can really have a lot of people relate to you. Now and days nothing will fly and go under the radar a lot of the influences need to learn how to be respectful and considerate towards others. Having a younger fan base will also determine what you should be posting and saying within your videos. How could the problem be avoided? When it comes to Shane Dawson he started making videos when he was 19. Of course, everyone makes mistakes but I believe if he took accountability fro

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