HubSpot App ~Smackdown~

The app I choose for my first smackdown is HubSpot! It is honestly such a cool app that I recommend everyone to use. Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or employee this app is for everyone. If you have a Google account it is really easy to make an account on HubSpot. If you visit the website you can log in and get started right away! Once you do this you can download the app on your phone and your Google account will pop up for easy access and log in. 

The website is great to get certifications within different fields and interests. Once you complete a course you can add it to your resume to build it up and feel more confident finding a job! Even if you are already graduated, you can still take advantage of any of the courses to further your knowledge of different things or hobbies.

The app really gives you no excuse to hand in something late or forget a meeting you may have. The app lets you stay on top of all your tasks you need to get done. It allows you to keep all your information in one safe place. At the touch of finger documents, emails, and forms are all there for you. It is great for anyone and any field. 

Here is my video:)


  1. Wow! How have I never seen this before? There Is seriously no excuse why I can’t hand in anything late anymore.

  2. This was a cool smackdown video to watch! Hubspot seems like another needed tool to have in this time due to the hardships of getting certain things done during covid time. After hearing that this website gives out certifications for different fields and interests to build up your resumes. This app can be very super beneficial to have!

  3. Never heard of this app before, thank you for sharing! Honestly love anything that keeps me organized. Love how you broke everything down in this post too.

  4. HubSpot is a great organization tool cause it allows you to enter more details than just using Google calendar. I did not know about HubSpot Academy which looks like a great way to build up your resume especially for recent college grads that don't have a lot of work experience.

  5. this seems like a great way to go above and beyond. If you are trying to get a job it can be good for you to have just a little bit of extra knowledge.

  6. This is neat! To be honest, I've always just used the alarms app on my phone for things like this, but HubSpot seems like a far better alternative.

  7. Using this app seems like it could help a lot trying to get a job as a younger kid. This app could be very useful later down the road.

  8. Hubspot is something I have never heard of however, I could certainly see this tool being useful especially for unorganized people much like myself. The reminders I found to be very neat as sometimes things may be very easy to forget.

  9. Cool and interesting app! Your video made me want to download Hubspot, because it will help me stay organized and help me remember when assignments are due. As you said in your video, this app looks very easy to use and I like how Hubspot is still easy to navigate, whether it be the app pr website. Overall, this app looks very helpful and informational. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I’ve never heard of HubSpot. It looks super interesting. I think I could use this application as well; I am always busy, and it would help me to stay organized! I like the layout of your application smackdown too!

  11. What kind of classes have you seen other than the visual arts classes you saw? Does it have more science based classes and is there a level at where you have to pay, like if one certification in a field of study is covered but after that you have to pay?

  12. Hi Em,

    Wow I feel like this app was made for me. I am a full blown procrastinator and this would totally keep me on track. As I attempt to pursue my social work career, we tend to get very busy and sometimes forget things. I think this tool can defiantly keep me prompted on my upcoming due dates!

  13. The app sounds very interesting! I think the idea of being able to add to your resume so easily and also being able to complete courses and get certifications in different fields makes the app sound astounding from the amount of work you can do with it!

  14. HubSpot is an excellent organization tool because it helps you to enter more information than Google Calendar does. I wasn't aware of HubSpot Academy, which appears to be a great way to develop your resume, especially for recent college graduates with little work experience.

  15. I'm surprised that I have never actually heard of HubSpot before. I really like how it can prove to be useful for just about anyone. Knowing myself, I should definitely take a look when I get a chance!

  16. Oh wow! I will for sure take a look into this app. I think its pretty great how you can take the courses and then easily add them to your resume.

  17. I've never heard of HubSpot but I definitely think I will give it a try! Keeping myself organized is something I need to work on and this app may just help me with that! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Hi Emily! I have heard of Hubspot before, but I had no idea what it was for until I watched your presentation. I can definitely see how useful this app would be for keeping track of everything and especially the courses to add to your resume. Great job!


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