Connected Educator: Chapter 5

 Using Tools to Support Connected Learning

Within this chapter the author Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach discusses various tools that will help us become connected with our future careers. Within my blog I will go into more detail about a few she touches upon and how I will relate it to my future job!


Funny enough blogs are a great way to stay connected and colborate with others. According to SHeryl, "Blogs are websites that are continually updated with journal-like entries, or posts, usually arranged in chronological order with the most recent appearing first"(Beach 77). As I believe I am not the best at writing formally I do thoroughly enjoy writing for fun. With my future career possibly working in social media I think it would be a great stepping stone if I created a personal blog for myself. Writing about my interests, tips, and advice. I would welcome feedback and have discussions, allowing comments at the bottom of each post. This will give me the opportunity to engage in conversations. Has blogging been something you have ever been interested in? Or is this the first time you are really learning about them?


For personal entertainment I love listening to podcasts. I more watch a lot on Youtube as well. Over the years and especially during these times POdcasts have really become more popular. Learning truly does come through all different forms of communication. A lot of people learn better through a video or audio rather than writing something. In my future, who knows, I can possibly work for a Podcast company or someone who does different Podcasts. Sheryl says, "Listening to content or viewing videos should be part of your connected learning"(Beach 80). A Podcast is very similar to a blog, you subscribe and are able to receive updates each time there is a new post. Many people may prefer to listen to a Podcast because it is something you can put on in the car or in the background when you're doing other things. Podcasts are up and coming I really see them being a big part in my future. Currently I am interning for a woman who is on the radio, on the side she does Podcasts and it is something she really enjoys! Do any of you listen to podcasts?

Google Docs

Straying from platforms to communicate and inform, Google Docs is a web-based document sharing tool. This is something I use on a regular basis whether it is for my classes or sorirty. As Sheryl puts it, " The Google Docs software is used online rather than by opening a program on your computer. This is commonly referred to as residing in the cloud"(Beach 84). Google Docs is great because it allows you to share it with anyone, they are able to read your work, add on to it, and edit it. Google Docs also automatically saves you work so you don't have to which has for sure saved me many times. It really makes collaborating with people so much easier, rather than emailing a Word Doc or Excel sheet. You can do it all in one place, you and others can all work on it at the same time even being able to chat to one another. This tool is great for school projects and also any projects I will be working on in my future. Not only is there Docs but also Sheets and Slides. 

Managing Your Online Reputation

In today's world you are really defined by what you put on various platforms. A quick search of your name can give someone a lot of information about you. In my future I will make sure I have a plan of the content I put out online. I will create a plan for making sure the information remains connected to my name and it being as positive as possible. My digital footprint will be very important for my future that I will always be on guard about.


  1. Hey Em I love the blog and the setup of this post, it makes for clear read. I think creating your own blog is a great idea and will definitely help in your future with social media. Allowing comments will help you with interacting with people from all over. Before this class I had never even read a blog but after being introduced it is definitely not what I thought it was. Your section about podcast make me want to start listening to some, unfortunately I have never listen but you have intrigued me! Unlike blogs and podcast, I have been using google docs for a while and I love it! I prefer google docs over Microsoft office. Google docs makes working with others on a single documents a lot easier. Great post, very organized and clear!

  2. Like Kaylie said, I really enjoyed how you broke down and organized this post. With the paragraph about our digital footprint, I agree, people may not realise how much they do is easy access to the public. Thats how so many peoples reputation as a creator or business individual get destoryed.

    1. I dont know why its saying unknown even though I'm signed in -Sarahann Schreiber

  3. Hi Em,

    I enjoy how your presented the information on your post. It very well organized and offers a nice form of organization. I actually used to be a big fan of blogging during my high school days. I was a huge Tumblr fan and I did actually enjoy it. It offer an opportunity to present my ideas and expand my knowledge on ideas. I typically listen to podcast while I'm commuting to work in the morning. I usually stick to positive podcast to attempt to put me in a positive mindset before clocking in for work.

  4. I really appreciate how engaging you make your posts, Emily! I can tell you have a future in social media, because that field is always centered around drawing people in and getting them to interact with the posts you write. I agree that this blog is a good outlet for practicing being open about your beliefs online, but I have a question for you: Can you think of anywhere else you can hone your skills so you have a good history of social media management to put in your portfolio? Perhaps you could find organizations that desperately need management and offer your services. Regardless, I enjoyed the engaging summary, and I wish you luck in implementing these tools!

  5. Hey Emily! Great summarization of chapter 5 and how it relates to your career. I totally agree with you about blogs, and how it would be a great stepping stone. I think it would be a great steeping stone for any field, since as you said, "it's a great way to stay connected and collaborate with others.". This class had made me interested in following blogs and creating my own, for fun. I do listen to podcasts because as you explained, it's great to have in the background, while doing other things. I also use google docs because it's so easy to navigate and you don't ever have to worry about if your work is saved or not. I agree with you that it's is a very great tool for school. In regards to managing your online reputation, I also plan to do the same thing. I mainly want my online presence to be positive and will always assess what I share or post, so I can ensure it's appropriate and respectful. Great post and hope you've had a great weekend!

  6. Emily, I really like the set up for your blog as well. Its very organized and the layout is appealing. I like how you mentioned you enjoy listening to podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to learn things and are fun when listening to interesting topics. I agree the a podcast is similar to a blog and I think its cool that you are interning for a women who does podcasts.

  7. Excellent summary of Chapter 5 and its relevance to your profession. I completely agree with you about blogs being a great stepping stone. It would make an excellent steeping stone in any area, in my opinion. I really like the way your blog is set up. It's well-organized, and the design is pleasing. You mentioned that you enjoy listening to podcasts, which I find interesting. Podcasts are a fantastic way to learn new things.

  8. Hi Em, I really enjoyed how you split your blog up into different sections. It really made it easy for me to go back and refer to when thinking of what to write in this comment. I use GoogleDocs for school and my personal use, and I feel it is one of the best tools we have out there for writing important documents and sharing them. After looking at your paragraph about podcasts, I also agree that podcasts becoming popular has changed our connected world. One question I ask of you is do you think that podcasts are going to become more important as we continue to see more and more each day?


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