Connected Educator: Chapter 2

Here I will be summarizing The Connected Educator by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, applying connection for my future career path. Throughout this chapter the author touches on a three-pronged approach to professional development. 

The first being, Local Community, this involves face-to-face interactions and connections between members of a work group. For instance, I want to go into the field of social media and marketing. PLC or professional learning community can come into play when we have work meetings, discussing the future of our company, different ideas we have, and talking about upcoming projects. This allows us to all be on the same page and have the same goal in mind. There will be leadership involved and different opinions for other colleagues to have some feedback. During our meetings we will encourage others to take risks and support each others actions to transform our company.

Second is, Global Network, which is more online based connections. This is individually chosen having a diverse collection of people and resources from all over the world. Furthermore this will give my company different viewpoints on things we may produce for different media outlets. It is good to get an understanding from all different cultures, seeing that any company would want to go worldwide. PLN or personal learning network, is a great way to branch out of the states and get an individualized virtual experience. This approach is self-directed for short and long term goals. While learning different digital tools and stimulating personal growth can lead to improved networking for the greater good of the company. 

Third we have, Bounded Community, contains people who are committed and have an overlapping interest recognizing the need for connections that go deeper than PLC and PLN. CoP also known as, community of practice or inquiry, entail people who have similar interests and goals. As a work team at my future company we will all share the common interest to collaborate and learn to do better. We will develop meaningful relationships with each other and be able to trust each other by sharing knowledge and content. As we will work together within our work space we will also collaborate with other groups who share common interests getting their opinions and insight to further grow as a company. 


  1. I can certainly see your future as a social media professional from this post, because the effort you put into making it truly readable and engaging is impressive. The way your discussion around each of the networks is wrapped around an image helps keep them self contained without taking up too much space, and the way in which you weave in references to your future career to each network section makes everything feel relevant. You really have a gift for making things presentable, and I know that will pay dividends in the future.

  2. I can very much sympathize with the overall theme that is established in your writing; in particular, taking action in the company's best interest is a basic yet essential idea. Instead of objectifying the process as a whole, you address the people and the effort put in that make it what it is; and I believe that sort of thinking to be admirable. On another note, the aesthetic and organization put into this submission is very pleasing to the eye.

  3. Hey Emily! I really like how you summarized this chapter and related it to your work field, social media and marketing. The pictures you added for the 3 pronged approach was such a nice touch because it added a visual aspect to the post. It also helped me stay engaged and interested while reading. I can tell you genuinely put effort intro understanding each approach. I can also tell how much effort you put into the explanations of how each approach will benefit you and your future company. What kind of company would you like to start up? Or is there any specific company you'd like to run social media and marketing for? Great post and happy Sunday!


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