Social Media Etiqutte

 Utilizing Social Media Wisley

What is social media etiquette?

I believe when being on social media especially being an influencer you really have to think smartly and be responsible. For many, this is a full-time job and something they do on a regular basis to pay the bills. Saying the wrong thing or doing something inappropriately can be very damaging for their career. Being polite, being responsible, caring, and kind are all ways of having good social media etiquette. Not only that but being genuine and yourself can really have a lot of people relate to you. Now and days nothing will fly and go under the radar a lot of the influences need to learn how to be respectful and considerate towards others. Having a younger fan base will also determine what you should be posting and saying within your videos.

How could the problem be avoided?

When it comes to Shane Dawson he started making videos when he was 19. Of course, everyone makes mistakes but I believe if he took accountability from the get-go and fully put the blame on himself years ago, he would still be making youtube videos.

What could you do to rectify the situation after it happened?

I think Shane did the right thing by coming out with an apology video. Although I believe he could have taken even more responsibility and have done it a lot sooner. I think he had no other choice but to leave YouTube. He took advantage of his position and the fame he was getting. It all got to his head where he thought he was invincible. It was the right thing to do to not come back.

What else could the person have done differently?

I think Shane turned into a very mean and rude person. He needed someone or something to bring him back to Earth and humble himself. This situation I would hope did that for him. He should have never called out other YouTubers for their own problems when he had enough on his own. What happened to him was absolute instant karma. Again it all comes down to being humble, if he was in that moment I don't think he would have called out other people. 

What would I do if I was in this situation or a friend? 

If my friend was in this situation, well I wouldn't even have been friends with someone who did these things. However, I would have told them straight up they need to apologize and take all the videos down. Take full responsibility and then leave the platform. At that point, they have no use on there. I would try to help the best I could and take it from there. Hopefully, teach them how to be more professional and respectful. 

Here is my project! Enjoy:)


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