Connected Educator: Chapter 6

Personal Learning Network

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this chapter of The Connected Educator. The main focus of this chapter is about a personal learning network. This blog will be about some key points I found interesting and how it will relate to my future career. The author Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach cites Warlick saying, A personal learning network, "involves an individual's topic-oriented goal, a set of practices or techniques aimed at attracting or organizing a variety of relevant content sources, which are selected for their value, to help the owner accomplish a professional goal or personal interest" (Warlick, 2007).

My Future Career

When I think about my future career in social media and marketing, I want to bring in personal learning networking. This will help me find ideas and information to bring back to my company and group. I will develop programs, create action research, and implement that into my future company. While I find connections through networking I will also find people to grow ideas from and to start new collaborative projects. It is all about what I want to learn and gain while also improving and building together with other similar companies. 

Nurturing My Personal Learning Network

When nurturing my personal learning network I will chose Twitter as my platform of choice. Will Richardson who is Sheryl's work partner carefully chooses who he will learn and trust based off of Twitter. He scopes people out by similar interests, diversity, and time. I would want to gain some strong personal relations as I think that gains a lot of trust while also viewing the data (tweets) as a river of information. Through sharing reciprocal and ongoing information this helps develop relationships and expand learning opportunities. By having a good balance I feel like I can gain knowledge and opinions thus growing and improving myself and my future company. 

Evolving My Community

From my understanding as you start to network, meet more people, and make more connections, in a way you start to gain a community from it. The first thing I will within my community is focusing on the people. Relationships matter, I have to remember that it is a human community even though my interactions with them will play out online. Not only should my connections be sociable but they should be more than just harvesting links. They should have a purpose, while you are link harvesting you should be doing something with them. Sheryl states, "Design your community with an intense passion and serious commitment to question the status quo" (Beach, 105).


The last quote I ended with is something I love. I think what is most important for my future career is to take risks. Social media is something that changes so quickly. By collaborating and networking, and having my own community of people to work with will allow us to think of innovative and new ideas. We have to be quick and think of cool/trendy ideas to keep up with the new generations. Finding a community where we all have that same mindset, and designing it in a way that we share the same goal is what I want in my personal learning network. How do you think you can improve your company? Will you incorporate personal learning networking into your future career?


  1. For staters I love your background. You have brought some great points up in your blog. I also love how you asked questions

  2. Hi Emily! Great blog post! You touched some key points of this chapter and I can see how it all fits. I love the part when you said on your conclusion because they stood out to me so much. You said something about how what is most important for your future career is to take risks! I so agree with that. Taking risks is super spontaneous and you may never know what it will lead you too so getting out of your comfort zone to explore and network is a way to go!

  3. Your point about remembering that networking is a human interaction is incredibly important Emily, and I really appreciate you saying it. The best learning comes from real human connection, so if your entire network is composed of founts of information with no social element, it's almost more of a resource for articles than a network. Though, as you expand your connections, I just want to pose this question to you, when you're making your network, how will you balance your meaningful human connections with getting your name out to as many people as possible?

  4. Beautiful layout and very clear to read. I think it is very important that you brought up the fact that you still have to make relationships with the people with in your community. I think that it is easy to lose sight of this because you are only interacting with each other through the internet. The quotes that you choose to incorporate really connect with what you have to say and really emphasize what your getting at. Really great job analyzing the chapter and connecting it to your future career. Great job Emily!

  5. Hey Emily! Great summary and blog post! I like how organized and neat you post is and I like all the images! I love how you credited the quote on page 105 because I agree with you that it’s important to take risks in your future careers. Especially if the career is related to communications/ social media! I also like how you gave the exact definition of personal learning network and how it's beneficial to your future career, of social media and marketing. I also like when you said “ Not only should my connections be sociable but they should be more than just harvesting links.”, because online relationships should feel real and personal. Overall, great job on highlighting all the main topics of the chapter, like the personal learning network and the values in building a community. What’s your favorite app when it comes to making/ reaching to connections? Hope you had a great weekend!


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